What are the common diseases and symptoms in yak?
What is the control of measures for common external parasites in yak? For animal Deltamethrin as prescribed/manufacturers applied externally or ivermectin injection @ 200 g/Kg Body weight subcutaneous route.
What is the prophylactic measures for clean milk?
What do you mean by a complete feed? How do it is prepared? A Complete feed consists of roughages and concentrate mixtures and may be in mash, pelleted or block form. For preparing complete feed, forage, concentrate ingredients and additives/ supplements are blended together as to get the required quantity of protein/ energy/ minerals/ vitamins. The complete feed system would help in utilizing the locally available crop residues, agro-industrial by products and wastes that are fit for animal feeding. Usually roughage and concentrate ratio is being maintained as 60:40. Complete feed provides the best avenue to incorporate the urea in the ration of livestock. For high yielding cows 50:50 roughage: concentrate is usually adequate.
What is complete feed block? Complete
feed block is an intimate mixture of processed ingredients including
roughage and concentrate parts designed to be the sole source of
feed in compressed form. It may be square, circular or quadrangular
depending on the type of dye used in the machine.
How to select bull yak for breeding? A bull is equal to half of the herd. Therefore, selection of bulls with superior traits is desirable to improve the production of the herd. In organized herd, bulls are selected initially on the basis of the performance of mother (dam) and breeding soundness like libido, semen qualities and physical structure. Subsequently their semen is used through artificial insemination (AI) to produce calves. Selection of bulls is finally made on the basis of performance of their progenies. Under field condition similar procedure may be adopted, if possible to select superior bulls.
How to maintain low inbreeding? Is artificial insemination (AI) service is available? Use of some
bulls to cover a yak population for larger period will cause inbreeding
i.e. the variation in the herd will be less and there will be reduced
performance of growth, production immunity etc. To reduced inbreeding
bulls of different origin may be used i.e. variation is introduced
in the herd. Bulls used for two years in a herd may be exchanged
with bulls of another herd will help in reducing inbreeding. The
AI technique is useful for the purpose.
Is there any technology to improve productive and reproductive efficiency of yak? Yes. Artificial Insemination (A.I.) and estrous synchronization technique is available with the institute.
How to avail the technology for improving productive and reproductive efficiency of yak and what is expected from the farmers end for effective use of the technology? For availing the technologies for improving productive and reproductive efficiency. |