2022 | |
Bam J, Thüer S, Holinger M, Oberhänsli T, Leubin M, Leiber F and Werne S. (2022). Performance and parasitological parameters of steers sequentially grazed with lambs. Veterinary Parasitology, |
Kour A, Niranjan SK, Malayaperumal M, Surati U, Pukhrambam M, Sivalingam J, Kumar A and Sarkar M. (2022). Genomic diversity profiling and breed-specific evolutionary signatures of selection in Arunachali Yak. Genes, 13, 254, . |
Das PJ, Kour A, Deori S, Begum SS, Pukhrambam M, Maiti S, Sivalingam J, Paul V, Sarkar M. (2022). Characterization of Arunachali Yak: A Roadmap for Pastoral Sustainability of Yaks in India. Sustainability, 14, 12655, doi:10.3390/ su141912655 |
2021 | |
Paul V, Krishnan G, Deori S, Bam J, Chakravarty P and Sarkar M. (2021). Body status and blood metabolites profiles during resumption of postpartum ovarian activity in yak (Poephagus grunniens). Reproduction in Domestic Animals, DOI: 10.1111/rda.14002.. |
Singh TP, Raigar RK, Bam J and Paul V. (2021). Predictive modelling for physicochemical and microbial quality assessment of vacuum-packed yak milk paneer under various storage temperatures. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, |
Singh TP, Deshwal GK, Bam J and Paul V. (2021). A Comparative Appraisal of Traditional “Ghee” Derived from the three genotypes (Arunachali Yak, Yak-Cow Hybrid, and Cow) reared under semi-intensive conditions. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.202100101. |
2020 | |
Kirchner B, Buschmann D, Paul V and Pfaffl MW. (2020). Postprandial transfer of colostral extracellular vesicles and their protein and miRNA cargo in neonatal calves. PLoS One, 15(2): e0229606 . |
Pathak P, Islam S, Bam J, Bhattacharya D, Das M, Kalita DJ, Saikia GK, Das G and Bordoloi G. (2020). Distribution of aquatic and terrestrial leeches in Assam, India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8(4): 605-609. |
2019 |
Singh TP, Chauhan G, Agrawal RK and Mendiratta SK. (2019). In vitro study on antimicrobial, antioxidant, FT-IR and GC-MS/MS analysis of Piper betle L. leaf extracts. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 13(1): 466-4 75. |
Das PP, Krishnan G, Doley J, Biswas TK, Paul V, Chakravarty P, Deb SM and Das PJ. (2019). Identification and Expression Profiling of MSY (male-specific region of Y chromosome) Genes of Yak for Bull Fertility. Journal of Genetics, 98:41. |
Das PP, Krishnan G, Doley J, Bhattacharya D, Deb SM, Chakravarty P and Das PJ.(2019) Establishing Amelogenin Gene as Sex-Specific Marker in Yak by Genomic Approach. Journal of Genetics.DOI: 10.1007/s12041-019-1061-x. IF:0.672. |
Borah BKD, Deka BC, Biswas RK, DeoriS, Chakravarty P,Ahmed K and Sinha S. (2019): Effect of Different FreezingRates on Post-Thaw Semen Quality in Yak.Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 35(3): 1-6. |
Begum SS, Hussain M, Chakravarty P and Sharma A. (2019). Neonatal physiology in animals: A short discussion. International Journal of Chemical Studies,7(3):4334-4335. |
2018 |
Borah BKD, Deka BC, Biswas RK, Deori S, Chakravarty P, Sinha S and Ahmed K. (2018). Impact of time of artificial insemination on conception rate in Indian yak. Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 39(1): 53-54. |
Borah BKD, Deka BC, Biswas RK, Sinha S, Ahmed K, Chakravarty P and Deori S. (2018). Effect of different glycerol levels in tris-based extender on quality of frozen yak. Semen. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(4): 428-430 |
Deori S,Deka BC, Biswas RK, Nahardeka N, Arangasamy A, Bhuyan D, Kalita DJ, Borah RS andPhookan A. (2018). Characteristics and freezability of Assam Hill goat semen. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 52(1): 25-28. |
Hanah SS, Paul V, Medhi D, Krishnan G and Deb SM. (2018). Efficiency of yak as pack animal for snowbound high lander, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(9):1094-1 096. |
Krishnan G, Paul V, Biswas TK, Chouhan, VS, Das PJ and Sejian V. (2018). Diurnal variation and oscillatory patterns in physiological responses and HSP70 profile in heat stressed yaks at high altitude. Biological Rhythm Research, 10.1080/09291016.2018.1424770. |
Lalawmpuii H, Chauhan G, Mendiratta SK, Singh TP and Kumbhar V. (2018). Cost of production of low-fat milk 'coagulum' rings incorporated with optimized level of unripe banana powder and banana peel powder. International Journal of Livestock Research, 8(07): 212-219. |
Lalawmpuii H, Chauhan G, Mendiratta SK, Singh TP, Singh BP, Kumar D and Jaiswal RK. (2018). Optimization of processing conditions of milk 'coagulum' rings and the effect of incorporation of extenders on their quality and storage stability under ambient temperature conditions. British Food Journal, 120(11): 2645-2659. |
Medhi D, Chakravarty P, Deori S and Santra A. (2018). Nutritional status and compensatory growth in yak calves maintained on different plane of nutrition, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(4): 506-508. |
Medhi D, Santra A, Paul V and Deb SM. (2018). Effect of plane of nutrition on blood biochemical parameters and attainment of sexual maturity in growing yak, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(4):81-84. |
Sahay S, Jayaram PK, Natesan K, Ooley J, Reddy MGB, Patil SS, Shame BR and Shame R. (2018). Respiratory infections in yak (Bos grunniens): a pilot study on isolation and direct PCR diagnosis for Pasteurellosis, Mannheimiosis and Histophilosis. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(9): 998-1002. |
Singh TP, Chauhan G, Agrawal RK and Mendiratta SK. (2018). Response surface modelling and optimization of tomato puree-casein bio-composite film. Iranian Polymer Journal, 27(11): 861-879. |
Rina T, Bayan H, Hanah SS, Bam J and Borah
B. (2018). Effects of acepromazine and midazolam along with ketamin
on haematological parameters in yak. International Journal of Medicine
and Pharmaceutical Science, 8(1): 63-66. |
2017 |
Arya A, Mendiratta SK, Singh TP, Agrawal RK and Bharti SK. (2017). Development of sweet and sour chicken meat spread based on sensory attributes: process optimization using response surface methodology.Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(13): 4220-4228. |
Chatterjee N, Dhar B, BhattarcharyaD, Deori S, Doley J, Bam J, Das PJ, Bera AK, Deb SM, Devi NN, Paul R, Malvika S and Ghosh SK. (2017). Genetic assessment of leech species from yak (Bosgrunniens) in the tract of Northeast India.Mitochondrial DNA. Part A, DNA Mapping, Sequencing and Analysis,14:1-9. |
Sharma H, Mendiratta SK, Agrawal RK, Gurunathan K, Kumar S and Singh TP. (2017). Use of various essential oils as bio preservatives and their effect on the quality of vacuum packaged fresh chicken sausages under frozen conditions. LWT -Food Science Technology,81: 118-127. |
Singh TP, Chauhan G, Agrawal RK, Mendiratta SK, Kumar RR, Talukder S and Singh P. (2017). Development and Process Optimization of Biodegradable Films Based on Banana (Musa sp.) Flour. Journal of Animal Research, 7(4): 733-740. |
Talukdar DJ, Ahmed K, Sinha S, Deori S, Das GC and Talukdar P. (2017). Cryopreservation induces capacitation-like changes of the swamp buffalo spermatozoa. Buffalo Bulletin, 36(1): 221-229. |
Talukder S, Mendiratta SK, Kumar RR, Agrawal RK, Soni A, Chand S, Singh TP and Sharma H. (2017). Development of Plant Extracts Based Indicator for Monitoring Quality of Fresh Chicken Meat During Storage at Room Temperature (25±1°C). Journal of Animal Research, 7(4): 751-755. |
Talukder S, Mendiratta SK, Singh TP, Kumar A, Kumar RR and Soni A. (2017). Effect of Honey on Quality Characteristics of Mutton Spread. Agricultural Research, 6(3): 312-319. |
Deori S. (2017). The effect of freezing on cryosurvival of yak semen. SAARC Journal of Agriculture, 15(2): 215-218. |
Rout M, Bhattacharya D, Prusty BR, Chatterjee N, Bera K, Doley J, Deori S, Medhi D, Bam J, Hanah SS, Deb SM and Pattnaik B. (2017). Foot-and-mouth disease virus infection-specific nonstructural protein antibodies detected in populations of mithun (Bos frontalis), yak (Bos grunniens) and their hybrids maintained in farms and villages of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 87(9): 1090-1091. |
Chatterjee N, Dhar B, Bhattarcharya D, Deori S, Doley J, Bam J, Das PJ, Bera AK, Deb SM, Devi NN, Paul R, Malvika S and Ghosh SK. (2017). Genetic assessment of leech species from yak (Bosgrunniens) in the tract of Northeast India. Mitochondrial DNA. Part A, DNA Mapping, Sequencing and Analysis, 14:1-9. |
Hanah SS and Tomar AKS (2017). Susceptibility pattern of neonatal calve stodiarrhoea and pneumonia in organised dairy farm. International Journal of Applied and Pure Science Agriculture, 3(4):87-90. |
Maiti S, Jha SK, Garai S, Nag A, Bera AK, Paul V, Upadhaya RC and Deb SM. (2017). An assessment of social vulnerability to climate change among the districts of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Ecological Indicators, 77:105-113. |
Bam J, Islam S, Bhattacharya D, Deka DK, Kalita DJ, Sharma RK, Pathak P, Maiti S, Bera AK and Deb SM. (2016). In-Vitro effect of some plant extracts on Buffalo Leech, Hirudinaria manillensis. Indian Journal of Animal Science, 86(9):988-990. |
Begum SS, Mahato G, Sharma P, Sharma K, Hussain M, Das BC, Hussain J, De A, Choudhary D, Ramakrishnan MA and Muthuchelvan D. (2016). Seroprevalence of peste des petits ruminants in goats in Assam. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, doi:10.3923/ajava. |
Deori S, Deka BC, Arangasamy A, Biswas RK, Selvaraju S, Bhuyan D, Nahardeka N, Somashekar L, Parthipan S, Kalita DJ, Borah RS and Phookan A. (2016). Electrophoretic profile of sperm membrane proteins and correlation with fresh semen characteristics in Assam Hill goat. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(11):1269-1273. |
Ghosh S, Das PJ, McQueen CM, Gerber V, Swiderski CE, Lavoie JP, Chowdhary BP and Raudsepp T. (2016). Analysis of genomic copy number variation in equine recurrent airway obstruction (heaves). Animal Genetics doi: 10.1111/age.12426. |
Krishnan G, Paul V, Hanah SS, Bam J and Das P J. (2016). Effects of climate change on yak production at high altitude. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(6):621-626. |
Medhi D, Bhat NA and Afzal Y. (2016). Evaluation of mulberry leaves based diets in Corriedale lambs. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(11):1306-1310. |
Medhi D, Bhuyan R, Ahmed HF and Saikia BN. (2016). Effect of Inclusion of Silk Worm Pupae Meal in the Diet with or without Enzyme Supplementation on Nutrient Utilization and Growth Performance in Crossbred Pigs, Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 33(3):336-339. |
Medhi D, Hanah SS, Sarmah PP, Karmu T, Ali E, Das PJ and Deb SM. (2016). Performances of lactating yaks on silage and complete feed block based feeding regiments. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(2):203-205. |
Medhi D, Santra A, Paul V, Saikia A, Das PP, Ali E and Deb SM. (2016). Performances of growing yaks on different planes of nutrition. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(11):1337-1339. |
Sahay S., Doley J, Krithiga N, Reddy GB M, Patil SS, Shome BR and Shome R. (2016). Isolation and characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae from respiratory infection of yak (Bos grunniens), India. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 4(12):637-641. |
Talukdar DJ, Ahmed K, Deka BC, Deori S and Das GC. (2016). Cryo-capacitation changes during cryopreservation of swamp buffalo spermatozoa. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(4):397-400. |
2015 | |
Avila F, Baily MP, Perelman P, Das PJ, Pontius J, Chowdhary R, Owens E, Johnson WE, Merriwether DA and Raudsepp TA. (2015). Comprehensive Whole-Genome Integrated Cytogenetic Map for the Alpaca (Lama pacos). Cytogenetics and Genome Research, 144(3):196-207. |
Bam J, Rai S, Bhattacharya D, Maiti S, Islam S, Pathak P, Bera AK and Deb SM. (2015). Indigenous curative and prophylactic traditional practices used against haematophagous leeches in Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. Indian Journal Traditional Knowledge, 14(3):493-497. |
Begam R, Islam S, Saikia M, Kalita A, Bulbul KH, Bam J and Pathak P. (2015). Prevalence of Aortic Onchocerciasis in cattle of Assam. Veterinary Practitioner, 16(2): 225-227. |
Bera AK, Hussain M, Maji C, Maiti S, Doley J, Bhattacharya D, Bam J, Deori S, Paul V, Biswas TK, Deb SM. 2015. High seroprevalence of bovine herpesvirus-1 and Brucella abortus in yak populations of Arunachal Pradesh, India correlates with abortion. Indian Journal of Animal Science, 85(7):751-754. |
Bera AK, Maji C, Hussain M, Bam J, Bhattacharya D, Maiti S, Biswas TK, Deori S and Deb SM. (2015). A retrospective analysis on yak mortality with special emphasis on neonatal mortality. Indian Journal of Animal Science, 85(5):446-450. |
Borah BKD, Deka BC, Biswas RK, Chakravarty P, Deori S, Sinha S, Ahmed K, Dutta DJ, Bhattacharyya DK. (2015). Effect of equilibration period on post thaw semen quality of Indian yak. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 85:607-609. |
Borah BKD, Deka BC, Biswas RK, Chakravarty P, Deori S, Sinha S, Ahmed K. (2015). Effect of thawing methods on frozen semen quality of yak (Poephagus grunneins L.) bulls. Veterinary World, 8:831-834. |
Chakravarty P, Hussain M, Chauhan MS, Manik RS, Baishya D, Bhuyan S, Soren S, Deori S, Paul V, Das PJ, Doley J, Borah BKD, Krishnan G, Dutta DJ, Deb S.M. (2015). In vitro yak embryo production through conventional and ovum pickup methods. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 27(1):218-218. |
Deori S, Bam J, Paul V. (2015). Production Performance of Yaks (Poephagus grunniens L.) and Their Calves Given Vitamin E and Selenium during Late Gestation. Philippines Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 52(2):121-124. |
Dutta TC, Islam S, Bam J, Pathak P. (2015). Transboundary Sanguinivorous Myiasis due to an Oriental Auchmeromyia sps. in a Domestic Pig. Indian Veterinary Journal, 92(12):68-69. |
Ghosh S, Das PJ, Avila F, Thwaits BK, Chowdhary BP, Raudsepp T. (2015). A Non-Reciprocal Autosomal Translocation 64, XX, t (4;10)(q21;p15) in an Arabian Mare with Repeated Early Embryonic Loss. Reproduction in Domestic Animal, doi: 10.1111/rda.12636. |
Hussain M, Chakravarty, P, Soren S, Deori S, Begum SS. (2015). Effect of recovery technique and culture media on in vitro maturation of indigenous cattle oocytes of Assam. Indian Journal Animal Research, 49(1):51-54. |
Jeeva K, Chatterjee N, Bera AK, Maiti S, Ram Hira, Banerjee PS, Goswami TK, Das PJ, Chamua J, Milton AAP, Aravind M, Bhuvanapriya G, Thilagavathi K, Ghosh SK, Deb SM and Bhattacharya D. (2015). An initial molecular signature of Indian isolates of Toxocara. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 85(7):709-713. |
Kathiravan P, Dubey PK, Goyal S, Mishra BP, Singh G, Deb SM, Sadana DK, Joshi BK and Kataria RS. (2015). Marker assisted evaluation of morphological and genetic attributes of sub-populations of Nili-Ravi buffalo: A vulnerable dairy type riverine breed of India. Russian Journal of Genetics, 51(7):799-806. |
Madkar AR, Lathwal SS, Mohanty TK, Abdullah M and Kumar S. (2015). Estrus confirmation on the basis of behavioural sign of intensity in crossbred cow. Indian Veterinary Journal, 92(6):60-61. |
Maiti S, Jha SK, Garai S, Nag A, Bera AK, Deb SM and Upadhayay RC. (2015). Vulnerability to climate change among the alpine transhumance pastoralists of Western Arunachal Pradesh, India: A household level assessment. Range Management and Agroforestry, 36(1):92-98. |
Maiti S, Jha SK, Garai S, Nag A, Chakravarty R, Kadian KS, Chandel BS, Datta KK and Upadhaya RC. (2015). Assessment of social vulnerability to climate change in the eastern coast of India. Climatic Change, DOI 10.1007/s10584-015-1379-1. |
Paul SS, Deb SM, Dey A, Somvanshi SPS, Singh D, Rathore R and Stiverson J. (2015). 16S rDNA analysis of archaea indicates dominance of Methanobacterium and high abundance of Methanomas siliicoccaceae in rumen of Nili-Ravi buffalo. Anaerobe. 35:3-10. |
Rana T, Bera AK, Bhattacharya D, Das S, Pan D and Das SK. (2015). Characterization of arsenic-induced cytotoxicity in liver with stress in erythrocytes and its reversibility with Pleurotus florida lectin. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 31(2):108-22. |
Singh PK, Tiwari AK, Rajmani RS, Kumar GK, Chaturvedi U, Saxen L, Saxena S, Doley J, Sahoo AP, Santra L, Saxena M, Kumar S and Sharma S. (2015). Apoptin as a Potential Viral Gene Oncotherapeutic Agent. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, DOI 10.1007/sl. |
Talukdar D, Ahmed K, Deori S and Das GC. (2015). Heparin-induced in vitro capacitation changes of swamp buffalo spermatozoa. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 39:629-633. |
Talukdar DJ, Nath KC, Bonia KK, Deori S. (2015). Cyclic changes in blood biochemical profiles following induction of ovulation in anovulatory crossbred cows. North-East Veterinarian. 15: 22-24. |
Uniyal S, Panda RP, Chouhan VS, Yadav VP, Hyder I, Dangi SS, Gupta M, Khan FA, Bag S, Sharma TG and Sarkar M. (2015). Expression and localization of IGF system in corpus luteum during different stages of estrous cycle in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and effect of IGF-I on production of VEGF and progesterone in luteal cells cultured in vitro. Theriogenology, 83(1):58-77. |
2014 | |
Ali Chouhan VS, Dangi SS, Gupta M, Tandiya U, Hyder I, Yadav VP, Panda RP, Babitha V, Nagar V, Sonwane A, Khan FA, Das BC, Singh G, Bag S and Sarkar M. (2014). Expression and localization of locally produced growth factors regulating lymphangiogenesis during different stages of the estrous cycle in corpus luteum of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Theriogenology, 81(3):428-436. |
Babitha V, Yadav VP, Chouhan VS, Hyder I, Dangi SS, Gupta M, Khan FA, Sharma GT and Sarkar M. (2014). Luteinizing hormone, insulin like growth factor-1, and epidermal growth factor stimulate vascular endothelial growth factor production in cultured bubaline granulosa cells. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 198:1-12. |
Biswas S, Mukherjee R, Mahto RP, De UK, Chakravarti S, Bera AK and Deb SM. (2014). Antibacterial sensitivity and resistance pattern of yak inflammatory infection from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 9(10): 683-689. |
Bora L, Bam J, Paul V and Maiti S. (2014). Traditional milk, meat processing and preservation techniques of the yak pastoralists of Arunachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 13(1): 216-221. |
Borah S, Sarmah BC, Chakravarty P, Naskar S, Dutta DJ, and Kalita D . (2014). Effect of zinc supplementation on serum biochemical in grower pig. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 42(2):244-248. |
Borah S, Sarmah BC, Chakravarty P, Naskar S, Dutta DJ and Kalita D. (2014). Effect of zinc supplementation on growth, reproductive performance, immune and endocrine response in grower pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 84(2):186-190 |
Chakravarty P, Hussain M, Soren S, Bhuyan S, Baishya D, Jatiana B, Dutta DJ, Paul V and Deori S. (2014). Comparative study on recovery rate of yak and cattle oocytes by aspiration and post aspiration slicing technique. Indian Veterinary Journal, 91(3):11-13. |
Chouhan VS, Dangi SS, Gupta M, Babitha V, Khan FA, Panda RP, Yadav VP, Singh G and Sarkar M. (2014). Stimulatory effect of vascular endothelial growth factor on progesterone production and survivability of cultured bubaline luteal cells. Animal Reproduction Science, 158:251-259. |
Chouhan VS, Dangi SS, Vazhoor B, Yadav VP, Gupta M, Pathak MC, Panda RP, Khan FA, Verma MR, Maurya VP, Singh G and Sarkar M. (2014). Stimulatory effect of luteinizing hormone, insulin likes growth factor-1 and epidermal growth factor on progesterone secretion and viability of cultured bubaline luteal cells. Theriogenology, 82(9):1212-1223. |
Dangi SS, Gupta M, Nagar V, Yadav VP, Dangi SK, Shankar O, Chouhan VS, Kumar P., Singh G and Sarkar M. (2014). Impact of short-term heat stress on physiological responses and expression profile of HSPs in Barbari goats. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(10):2085-93. |
Dangi SS, Gupta M, Dangi SK, Chouhan VS, Maurya VP, Kumar P, Singh G and Sarkar M. (2014). Expression of HSPs: an adaptive mechanism during long-term heat stress in goats (Capra hircus). International Journal of Biometeorology, DOI 10.1007/s00484-014-0922-5. |
Dangi SS, Gupta M, Nagar V, Yadav VP, Dangi SK, Shankar O, Chouhan VS, Kumar P, Singh G and Sarkar M. (2014). Impact of short-term heat stress on physiological responsesand expression profile of HSPs in Barbari goats. International Journal of Biometeorology, DOI 10.1007/s00484014-0809-5. |
Deori S, Bam J and Paul V. (2014). Efficacy of prepartal vitamin E and selenium administration on fertility in Indian yaks (Poephagus grunniens). Veterinarski Arhiv, 84:513-519. |
Doley J, Singh LV, Kumar GR, Sahoo AP, Saxena L, Chaturvedi U, Saxena S, Kumar R, Singh PK, Rajmani RS, Santra L, Palia SK, Tiwari S, Harish DR, Kumar A, Desai GS, Gupta S, Gupta SK and Tiwari AK. (2014). Canine parvovirus type 2a (CPV-2a)-induced apoptosis in MDCK involves both extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. Applied Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 172(2):497-508. |
Ghosh S, Das PJ, Arnold C, Jaxheimer J, Varner DD, Chowdhary BP and Raudsepp T. (2014). Contribution of DNA copy number variants to equine cryptorchidism. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 34(1):29. |
Ghosh S, Qu Z, Das PJ, Fang E, Juras R, Cothran EG, McDonell S, Kenney DG, Lear TL, Adelson DL, Chowdhary BP, Raudsepp T. (2014). Copy number variation in the horse genome. PLoS Genetics, 10(10):e1004712. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen |
Gupta M, Dangi SS, Chouhan VS, Hyder I, Babitha V, Yadav VP, Khan FA, Sonwane A, Singh G, Das GK, Mitra A, Bag S and Sarkar M. (2014). Expression and localization of ghrelin and its functional receptor in corpus luteum during different stages of estrous cycle and the modulatory role of ghrelin on progesterone production in cultured luteal cells in buffalo. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 48:21-32 |
Hussain M, Chakravarty P, Chauhan MS, Soren S, Borah BKD, Doley J and Das PJ. (2014). Quality assessment of yak oocytes for in vitro production of yak embryos. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 84(9): 969-971. |
Islam S, Dutta TC, Bam J and Pathak P. (2014). First record of an oriental Auchmeromyia species. The Northeast Veterinarian. 14(1):42. |
Maiti S, Jha SK, Garai S, Nag A, Chakravarty R, Kadian KS, Chandel BS, Datta KK and Upadhaya RC. (2014). Vulnerability to climate change among the livestock rearers of eastern coastal region of India: A household level assessment. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 84(10):1048-1054. |
Maiti S, Jha SK, Garai S, Nag A, Chakravarty R, Kadian KS, Chandel BS, Datta KK and Upadhaya RC. (2014). Adapting to climate change: Traditional coping mechanism followed by the Brokpa pastoral nomads of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 13(4):752-761. |
Maiti S, Jha SK, Garai S, Nag A, Chakravarty R, Kadian KS, Chandel BS, Datta KK and Upadhaya RC. (2014). Adaptation strategies followed by the livestock rearers of coastal Odisha and West Bengal to Cope up with Climate Change, Indian Journal of Animal sciences, 84(6): 652-659. |
Maiti S, Jha SK, Garai S, Nag A, Chakravarty R, Kadian KS and Meena BS. (2014). Determinants to climate change adaptation among the Brokpa pastoral nomads of Western Arunachal Pradesh, Indian Research Journal of Extension Education, 14(2):36-40. |
Maity A, Bhattacharya D, Batabyal S, Chattopadhyay S, Bera AK. (2014). Echinococcus granulosus antigen B for serodiagnosois of cystic echinococcosis in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), Buffalo Bulletin, 33(1):95-100. |
Medhi D, Ganai AM, Ahmed HA, Afzal Y. (2014). Effect of inclusion of formaldehyde treated mustard oil cakes in diets on performance of Corridale lambs. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 31(3):239-244. |
Medhi D, Sajad H, Bhat H, Ahmed A, Afzal Y. (2014). Nutritional status of pregnant cows in district Kupwara of Kashmir valley. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 48(6):571-574. |
Naskar S, Deb SM, Kumar S, Niranjan SK, Sharma D, Sakaram D, Sharma A. (2014). Molecular Characterization of T Cell Receptor-Zeta Subunit (CD247) Gene in Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Journal of Applied Animal Research, 42(1):38-43. |
Pathak P, Bam J, Islam S, Kakati PK, Bhattacharjee K and Deka DK. (2014). Contamination of vegetables with eggs of certain zoonotic helminths at different market places of Guwahati, Assam. Journal of Veterinary Parasitology, 28(2):154-156. |
Rana T, Bera AK, Bhattacharya D, Das S, Pan D and Das SK. (2014). Effect of Pleurotus florida lectin (PFL) on arsenic-induced activities of splenocytes in rat. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 30(4):336-46. |
Rana T, Bera AK, Das S, Bhattacharya D, Pan D and Das SK. (2014). Subclinical arsenicosis in cattle in arsenic endemic area of West Bengal, India. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 30(4):328-35. |
Rana T, Bera AK, Mondal DK, Das S, Bhattacharya D, Samanta S, Pan D and Das SK. (2014). Arsenic residue in the products and by-products of chicken and ducks: a possible concern of avian health and environmental hazard to the population in West Bengal, India. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 30(6):576-80. |
Sanjukta R, Kumar, M, Mandakini R, Bam J, Karuna I, Nagappa K and Singh S.P. (2014). Phylogenetic analysis of CPV isolate of Manipur. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 84(9): 1065-1067. |
Sharma D, Kumar S and Deb SM. (2014). PCR-RFLP Analysis of CD18 Gene in Buffalo. Journal of Animal Health and Production. 2 (1): 5-7. |
2013 | |
Babitha V, Panda RP, Yadav VP, Chouhan VS, Dangi SS, Khan FA, Singh G, Bag S, Sharma GT, Silvia WJ and Sarkar M. (2013). Amount of mRNA and localization of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors in the ovarian follicle during estrous cycle of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Animal Reproduction Science, 137(3):163-176. |
Bam J, Bhattacharya D, Pathak P, Islam S. (2014). Leeches affecting livestock and man in Northeast India. The Northeast Veterinarian, 14(1):1-3. |
Bam J, Kumar P, Leishangthem GD, saikia A and Somvanshi R. (2013). Spontaneous Cutaneous Papillomatosis in Yaks and Detection and Quantification of Bovine Papillomavirus-1 and -2. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 60(5):475-480. |
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Barman, C., Baruah, A., Sarmah, B.K., Baruah, K.K., Sarmah, B.C., Deka, B.C., Dutta, A., Chakravarty, P., Khan, M.H. and Bharti, P.K. (2013) Superovulatory treatment response and embryo recovery in mithun cows. Indian J AnimSci 83: 272 - 275. |
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2012 | |
Bam, J., Deori, S., Paul, V., Bhattacharya, D., Bera, A. K., Bora, L. and Baruah, K. K. (2012) Seasonal prevalence of parasitic infection of yaks in Arunachal Pradesh. India. Asian Pac J Trop Dis 2: 264-267.* |
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2011 |
Ahmed, M., Singh, M.N., Bera, A.K., Bandyopadhyay, S. and Bhattacharya, D. (2011). Molecular basis for identification of species/isolates of gastrointestinal nematode parasites. AsianPac. J. Trop. Med. 4(8):589-93. |
Baruah, K.K., Chakravarty, P., Paul, V., Sarma, H., Ahmed, F. A. and Das, K.C. (2011). Effect of feeding complete feed block based on unconventional feeds on growth performance and nutrient utilization of yak calves. IndianVet. J. 88(10):134. |
Bera, A.K., Rana, T., Bhattacharya, D., Das, S., Pan, D. and Das, S.K. (2011). Sodium arsenite-induced alteration in hepatocyte functions of rat with special emphasis on superoxide dismutase expression pathway and its prevention by mushroom lectin. Basic Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 109(4):240-244. |
Borah, S., Chakravarty, P., Sarmah, B.C., Bhuyan, S. and Deka, B. C. (2011): Correlation of serum progesterone concentration with number of corpora lutea in superovulated Assam local and Beetal goats. Indian J. Anim. Res. 46(1):1-2. |
Deori, D., Baruah, K. K., Saikia, B. N., Phukan, B. and Phukan, J. (2011) Effect of inclusion of Ajar Seed Kernel in the diets of kids on their performance. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 81(1): 67-69. |
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Gruber, H., Paul, V., Guertler, P., Spiekers, H., Tichopad, A., Meyer, H.H. and Muller, M. (2011). Fate of Cry1Ab Protein in Agricultural Systems under Slurry Management of Cows Fed Genetically Modified Maize (Zea mays L.) MON810: A Quantitative Assessment. J. Agric. Food Chem. Jun 8. |
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Herzog, K., Voss, C., Kastelic, J.P., Beindorff, N., Paul, V., Neimann, H. and Bollwein, H. (2011). Luteal blood flow increases during the first three weeks of pregnancy in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology 75 (3):549-554. |
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Rajmani, R.S., Singh, P.K., Kumar, R. and Tiwari, A.K. (2011). Characterization and invitro expression of non-structural protein of Canine Parvo virus (CPV-sss2) in mammalian cell line. Indian J.Exp. Biol. 49 :654-659. |
2010 |
Appannavar, M.M., Govindaiah, M.G. and Ramesha, K.P. (2010). Phenotypic attributes of Deoni breed types of cattle. Ind.Vet.J.87 :39-41. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Biswas, T.K., Sasmal, D., Samanta, I. and Ghosh, M.K. (2010). Evaluation of methanolic extract of Allium sativum and Saussurea costus in yaks with keratoconjunctivitis. Indian Journal of Animal Science.85 :35-40. |
Bandyopadhyay, S.; Das, S.; Baruah, K.K.; Chakravarty, P.; Chakrabarty, D.; Sarkar, T.; Pal, B.; De, S.; Pan, D.; Bera, A.K.; Bandyopadhyay, S.and Bhattacharya, D. (2010). Detection of bovine herpervirus 1 sequences in yaks (Bos grunniens) with keratoconjunctivitis, using a highly sensitive nested polymerase chain reaction. Off.Int.Epiz.29(3):695-703. |
Biswas, T.K., Ramesha, K.P., Jayakumar, S., Ghosh, M.K. and Bandyopadhyay, S. (2010). Phylogenetic studies on interbreedable bovine species including yak and mithun. Ind. J. Anim.Sci.80 :133-135. |
Biswas, T.K., Ramesha, K.P., Jayakumar, S., Gosh, M.K. and Bandyopadhyay, S. Phylogenetic studies on interbreedable bovine species including yak and mithun. Indian Journal of animal science 80(2): 133-135, February, 2010. |
Chouhan, V.S.; Krishnan, G.; Ramesha, K.P.; Kataktalware, M.A.; Chakravarty, P. and Kandeepan, G. (2010). The hypo-osmotic swelling test for fresh yak semen. Ind. J. Anim. Sci. 80(9):869-870. |
Das, G.K.; Khan, A.F.; Deori, S. and Shanker, U. (2010). Dystocia due to uterine torsion in a buffalo. Buffalo Bulletin, 29(2):S.69-70. |
Das, G.K.; Ladol, T.; Baithalu, R. Khan, A.F.; Wani, I.; Gogoi,D.; Deori, S. and Shanker, U.(2010). Incomplete cervical dilatation associated presentation of twins with postural defects in a doe. Indian Journal of Small Ruminants, 16(10):141-142. |
Das, K.C.; Haque, N.; Baruah, K.K. and Rajkhowa, C. (2010). Comparative nutrient utilization, growth, and rumen enzyme profile of Mithun (Bos frontalis) and Tho-tho cattle (Bos indicus) fed on tree-leaves-based ration. Tropical Animal Health and Production.43:209-214. |
Deori, S. Khan, F.A.;. Das, G.K. and Shanker, U. (2010). Pseudopregnancy in a goat: A case report. Indian journal of Small Ruminants, 16(10) : 143-144. |
Goswami, J.; Chakravarty, P.; Sarmah, B.C. and Sarmah, B.K. (2010). Oestrus characteristics following synchronization with exogenous hormone in cows. Indian J. Anim. Physiol.4:67-60. |
Gruber, H.; Spiekers, H.; Meyer, H.H.D. and Muller M. (2010). Eintragspfade und Degradation von Bt-Protein in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Boden. 3. Fachtagung ,, Gentechnik fur Umwelt-und Verbraucherschutz,, , OberschleiBheim, 02.12.2009, Bayerische Landesamt fur Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Tagungsband S.23-37. |
Guertler, P.; Paul, V.; Steinke, K.; Wiedemann, S.; PreiBinger, W.; Spiekers, H.; Schwarz, F.J. and Meyer, H.H.D. (2010). Long-term feeding of genetically modified corn (MON810) -Fate of cry1Ab DNA and recombinant protein during the metabolism of the dairy cow. Livestock Science 131 250-259. |
Herzog K. Brockhan-Lüdemann M., Kaske M., Beindorff N., Paul V., Niemann H. and Bollwein H. (2010). Luteal blood flow is a more appropriate indicator for luteal function during the bovine estrous cycle than luteal size. Theriogenology 73 :691-7. |
Jayakumar, S., Biswas, T.K. and Baruah, K.K. Yak Genetic resources, its conservation and action plan to meet the regional needs. Lead paper and invited lecture in the VIIth National Symposium on ?Challenges to Domestic Animal Biodiversity and Action Plan for its management and utilization? that is held at Anand Agricultural University on 10th &11th of February, 2010, pp 150-152. |
Kayastha, T.B.; Konwar B.K.; Baruah K. K.; Dutta S. and Sarma, R. (2010). Effect of different protien levels on growing indegenous pullets of Assam. Ind. Vet. J. 88 : 96-98 |
Krishnan, G., Ramesha, K.P., Chakravarty, P., Chouhan, V.S. and Jayakumar, S. (2010). Effect of environment on reproductive traits of yaks. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 80:123-124. |
Krishnan, G., Ramesha, K.P., Kandeepan, G., Chouhan, V.S. and Jayakumar, S. (2010). Effect of seasonal variation on primary physiological response of yak. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences80 : 271-272. |
Krishnan, G., Singh, G., Shukla, D.C., Saravanan, B.C. and Ramesha, K.P.(2010). Effect of Electrolyte supplimentation on homeostasis of heat stressed buffalo calves. Indian Veterinary Journal 87 :339-342. |
Maiti, S. Jha, S.K. and Garai. S. (2010). Public private partnership vis-a-vis artificial insemination among dairy animals: An experience from West Bengal. Agricultural extension review. XXII (1) :20-22. |
Meyer, H.H.D.; Spiekers, H.; Schwarz, F.; Guertler, P.; Paul, V.; Steinke, K.; Preibinger, W. ; Albrecht, C. and Wiedemann, S. (2010). Einsatz von trangenem Mais (MON810) bei Milchkühen. 3. Fachtagung ? gentechnik für Umwelt-und Verbraucherschutz ?, Oberschlei?heim, 02.12.2009, Bayerische landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsichereit, Tagungsband S. 12-22. |
Patil, S.S.; Saikia, B.N. and Baruah, K.K. (2010). Effect of tea waste on growth nutrient utilization and economics in calves. Ind. Vet. J. 87 : 776-778. |
Paul V.; Guertler, P.; Weidemann, S. and Meyer, H.H. (2010). Degradation of Cry1Ab protein from genetically modified maize (MON810) in relation to total dietary feed protiens in dairy cow digesttion. Transgenic Res. 19(4):683-9. |
Paul V.; Maiti, S.; Singh, J.P.; Ghosh, M.K.; Baruah, K.K. and Chaurasia, R.S.(2010). Geomatics based study of Yak rearing tracts of north-eastern Himalayan grasslands. Range Management and agroforestry symposium issue (A), 107-109, ISSN 0971-2070. |
Ramesha, K.P., Das, S., KataKtalware, M.A., Saravanan, B.C., Pourouchottamane, R., Rajkhowa, J., Bandyopadhyay, S., Krishnan, G. and Sarkar, M. (2010). Association of the polymorphism of defensin genes with milk somatic cell count in yaks and related species. Indian J. of Anim Sci. 80 :92-93. |
Ramesha, K.P., Pradhan, V.K., KataKtalware, M.A., Rajkhowa, J., Bora, M., Krishnan, G., Nirbhay Kumar, Saravanan, B.C., Biswas, T.K. and Bhattacharya, M.(2010). Effect of snowfall on pack ability of yak. Ind.Vet.J.87:98-100. |
Singh, J. ; Ahmad, R. ; Zama, M.M.S.; Pawde, A.M. and Deori, S.(2010). Delivery of a Schistosoma refluxus crossbred calf by caesarean section. Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery, 31(1) : 77. |
Sinha, D.; Prakash, B.; Neog, B.N. ; Baruah, K.K.; Sharma, S. and Rajkhowa, C. (2010). Intake, Digestability and nitrogen balance in Mithun (Bos frontalis) offered urea-treated paddy straw based feed blocks. Tropical animal health and production. DOI 10.1007/s 11250-010-9703-2. |
Sonowal, M.; Bora, A. and Brauh, K.K. (2010). The effect of dietary energy levels on blood biochemicals in gilts. Ind. Vet. J. 87 : 629-630. |
Sonowal, M.; Ahmad, H.F.; Baruah, K.K.; Saikia, B.N. and Borah, P.(2010). Effect of physio-chemical treatment on glucosinolate contain in mustard oil cake. Ind. Vet. J. 87 :9 :942-943. |
Steinke, K.; Guertler, P.; Paul, V.; Wiedeman, S.; Ettle, T.; Albercht, C.; Meyer, H.H.; Speikers, H. and Schwarz, F.J.(2010). Effects of long-term feeding of genetically modified corn (event MON810) on the performance of lactating dairy cows. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr.(Berl). |
Steinke, K., Guertler, P., Paul, V., Wiedemann, S., Ettle, T., Albrecht, C., Meyer, H.H.D., Spiekers, H. and Schwarz, F.J. (2010). Effects of long-term feeding of genetically modified corn (event MON810) on the performance of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. (Accepted). |
2009 |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Biswas, T.K., Sasmal, D., Ghosh, M.K., Dutta, T.K., Das, S.C., Bhattacharya, D., Bera, A.K., De, S. and Pan, D. (2009).Virulence gene and antibiotic resistance profile of Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli prevalent in captive yaks (Poephagus grunniens). Veterinary Microbiology.138:403-404. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Chakrabarty, D., Sarkar, T., Pal, B., Sasmal, D., Biswas, T.K., Ghosh, M.K. and Sarkar, M. (2009). A Serlogical survey of Bovine Herpes Virus-1 antibodies in yaks (Poephagus grunniens). Rev. Sci. Tec.Off.Int.Epiz. (OIE) 28 :1045-50. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Ganguly, S., Mondal, G., Saha, P., Sen, R., Ghosh, M.K. Sarkar, M. and Chatterjee, M. (2009). Cytotoxicity of Senecio in macrophages is mediated via its induction of oxidative stress. Reseach in Veterinary Science 87:85-90. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Sasmal, D., Biswas, T.K., Samanta, I. and Ghosh, M.K. (2009). Serological evidence of Chlamydophila abortus specific antibodies in free ranging yaks (Poephagus grunniens). Rev.Sci.Tec.Off.Int.Epiz. (OIE) 28:1050-55. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Sasmal, D., Dutta, T.K., Ghosh, M.K., Sarkar, M., Sasmal, N.K. and Bhattacharya, M. (2009). Seroprevalence of brucellosis in yaks (Poephagus grunniens) in India and evaluation of protective immunity to S19 vaccine. Tropical Animal Health and Production 41 :587-592. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Sharma, S.K., Das, S., Biswas, T.K., Ghosh, M.K. and Bora, M. (2009). Serum antibody response in yaks (Poephagus grunniens) following oil adjuvant trivalent FMD vaccination. The Indian Journal of Animal Science 79 :1218-1219. |
Beindorff, N., Honnens, A., Penno, Y., Paul, V., Bollwein, H. (2009). Effects of Human chorionic gonadotropin on luteal blood flow and progesterone secretion in cows and in vitro-microdialyzed corpora lutea. Theriogenology 72 :528-553. |
Biswas, T.K., Bandopadhyay, S., Ramesha, K.P., Ghosh, M.K., Jayakumar, S. and Das, S. Phylogeny of bovine species based on RAPD fingerprinting. Submitted to International conference on Yak husbandry-challenges and strategies, Organised by NRC on Yak, Arunachal Pradesh. (220-22, 2009). |
Biswas, T.K., Bandopadhyay, S., Ramesha, K.P., Ghosh, M.K., Jayakumar, S. and Krishnan, G. Non-genetic factors affecting birth weight in yak. Ind. J. Anim. Sci. 79(8) :834-835, August,2009. |
Biswas, T.K., Bandyopadhyay, S., Ramesha, K.P., Ghosh, M.K., Jayakumar, S. and Krishnan, G. (2009). Non-genetic factors affecting birth weight in yak. Ind. J. Anim. Sci. 79:834-835. |
Biswas, T.K., Ramesha, K.P., Bandopadhyay, S., Ghosh, M.K. and Jayakumar, S. Genetic and phenotypic parameters of body weight traits in yak. Ind. J. Anim. Sci. 79(8) : 836-837, August, 2009. |
Biswas, T.K., Ramesha, K.P., Bandyopadhyay, S., Ghosh, M.K. and Jayakumar, S. (2009). Genetic and phenotypic parameters of body weight traits in yak. Ind.J.Anim.Sci. 79:836-837. |
Buragohain, R., Saikia, B.N. and Baruah, K.K. (2009). Rearing of indigenous laying birds on conventional ration under intensive system of management. Ind. Vet. J.86:82-84. |
Chouhan, V.S., Krishnan, G., Kataktalware, M.A., Ramesha, K.P., Chakravarty, P. & Kandeepan, G. (2009). The Hypo osmotic swelling tests in fresh yak spermatozoa. Ind. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted and in press. File. No 6-621/2009-EEU). |
Das, G.K., Dutt, Ravi, Kumar, Ravinder, Deori, S. and Uma Shanker (2009). Dystocia due to fetal maldisposition in a buffalo. Buffalo Bulletin. 27 :59-60. |
Das, P.K., Deka, K.C., Biswas, R.K., Goswami, J. and Deori, S. (2009). A comparative study on estrus, oestrus cycle and reproductive organs of repeat breeding cows. Indian Vet. J. 86:580-581. |
Deka, I1akshy, Goswami, J., Chakravarty, P., Baruah, K.K. and Sarmah, B.C. (2009). Synchronization of oestrus with PGFbase2? analogue and ear implant and serum oestradiol-17? and progesterone profile in Assam local cows. Indian journal of animal science 80 :102-104. |
Deka, I1akshy, Goswami, J., Chakravarty, P., Sarmah, B.K. and Sarmah, B.C. (2009). Effects of I1iren and norgestomet on synchronization of oestrus in cows. Ind. J. Anim. Res. 43:293-294. |
Deori, S., Kumar, Ravindra, Jaglan, Pradeep, Debnath, S., Sarkar, M., Das, G.K. and Uma Shanker (2009). Post-Cervical uterine torsion in a buffalo-A case study. Ind. J. Anim. Reprod. 30:85. |
Deori, S., Sarkar, M., Debnath, S., Das, G.K. and Uma Shanker (2009). Post-parturient uterine prolapse in a bitch. Ind. J. Anim. Reprod. 30 :80-81. |
Garai, S., Chouhan, J.P.S. and Maiti, S. (2008). Adoption of improved dairy farming practices among the Santhal tribe women of Burdwan district (West Bengal). Ind. J. Ext. Sci. 3 :90-93. (Published in September, 2009). |
Garai, S., Chouhan, J.P.S. and Maiti, S. (2009). Existing dairy farming practices among the Santhal tribe women of Burdwan district (West Bengal). Ind. J. Dairy Sci.62:145-150. |
Ghosh, M.K., Atreja, P., and Bandyopadhyay, S. 2009. Biodegradition of mimosine and 3-hydroxy-4 (1H) pyridine in Karan Fries Crossbred (Holstein Friesian x Tharparkar) cattle. Animal Nutrition and FeedTechnology. 9:65-72. |
Ghosh, M.K., Konwar, P., Bandyopadhyay, S., Das, H.K., Sarkar, M., Ahmed F.A. and Bhattacharya, M. 2009. Microminerals and tocopherol profiles during gestation and postpartum in Yak. Indian Veterinary Journal. 86(3): 265-67. |
Guertler, P*., Paul, V*., Albrecht, C. and Meyer, H.H.D.(2009). Sensitive and highly specific quantitative real-time PCR and ELISA for recording a potential transfer of novel DNA and Cry1Ab protein from feed into bovine milk. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 393:1629-1638. |
Honnens, A., Niemann, H., Herzog, K., Paul, V., Meyer, H.H.D. and Bollwein, H. (2009). Relationships between ovarian blood flow and ovarian response to eCG-treatment of dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science 113:1-10. |
Jondhale, N.S., Mehrotra, S., Agarwal, S.K., Singh, S.K., Das, G.K., Kumar, D., Uma Shanker and Deori, S. (2009). Effect of Aegle marmelos and Ficus religiosa on the onset of puberty in female rats. Ind. Vet. J. 86: 353-355. |
Jondhale, N.S., Mehrotra, S., Agarwal, S.K., Singh, S.K., Uma Shanker, Das, G.K. and Deori, S. (2009). Effect of Aegle marmelos and Ficus religiosa on the ovarian function in rats. Ind. Vet. J. 86:1141-1144. |
Kandeepan, G. and Sangma, S. (2009). Optimization of the level of guar gum in low fat yak milk paneer. Journal of stored Products and Post-Harvest Research. (JSPPR-09-016). Vol. 1. (1), pp. XX-XX, April 2010. |
Kandeepan, G., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R., Kondaiah, N., Mendiratta, S.K. and Suresh, R. (2009). Comparison of quality and shelf life of buffalo meat patties stored at refrigeration temperature. International J. Food Sci. & Tech. 44:2176-2182. |
Kandeepan, G., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R., Kondaiah, N., Mendiratta, S.K. and Lakshmanan, V. (2009). Effect of age and gender on the processing characteristics of buffalo meat. Meat Sci. 83:10-14. |
Kataktalware, M.A., Ramesha, K.P., Rajkhowa, J., Saravanan, B.C., Krishnan, G. and Pourouchottamane, R. (2009). Udder and teat measurements in yak cows. Ind. Vet. J. 86 : 754-755. |
Krishnan, G., Ramesha, K.P., Chakravarty, P., Chouhan, V.S. and Jayakumar, S. (2009). Diurnal variation in the physiological response of yaks. Ind. J. Anim. Sci. 79:1132-1133. |
Krishnan, G., Sarkar, M., Ramesha, K.P., Ghosh, M.K., and Kataktalware, M.A. (2009). Production performance of yaks (Poephagus grunniens.L) during winter season. Ind. J. Anim. Sci. 79:485-486. |
Krishnan, G., Singh, G. and Shukla, D.C. 2009. Effect of electrolyte supplementation on physiological responses in heat stressed male buffalo calves. Indian J. of Anim. Sci. 79(1): 34-37. |
Krishnan, G., Singh, G. and Shukla, D.C. (2009). Effect of electrolyte supplementation on feed and water intake in heat stressed male buffalo calves. Ind. Vet. J. 86:665-667. |
Maiti, S., Malik, B.S., Jha, S.K. and Garai, S. (2008). Importance of Job Factors that affect Job satisfaction: A perception of Pranibandhus. Ind. J. Ext. Sci. 3:94-97.(Published in Sep., 2009) |
Medhi, D., Baruah, K.K. and Baisya, H. (2009). Performance of crossbred pigs on different feeding regimes. Ind. Vet. J.86:7:691. |
Paul, V., Guertler, P., Wiedemann, S. and Meyer, H.H.D. (2009). Degradation of Cry1Ab protein from genetically modified maize (MON810) in relation to total dietary feed proteins in dairy cow digestion. Transgenic Res. Nov 4. |
Prakash, B.S., Paul, V., Kliem, H., Kulozik, U and Meyer, H.H.D. (2009). Determination of oxytocin in milk of cows administered oxytocin. Analytica Chimica Acta 636 :111-115. |
Ramesha, K.P., Biswas, T.K. and Jayakumar, S. Status and strategies for genetic improvement of Indian yaks in high reaches of the Himalayas. Submitted to International conference on Yak husbandry-challenges and strategies, Organised by NRC on Yak, Arunachal Pradesh. (220-22, 2009). |
Ramesha, K.P., Das, S., Biswas, T.K., Jayakumar, S., Krishnan, G. and Chouhan, V.K. PCR-RFLP studies in myogenic factor 5 gene in bovines. Submitted to International conference on Yak husbandry-challenges and strategies, Organised by NRC on Yak, Arunachal Pradesh. (220-22, 2009). |
Ramesha, K.P., Das, S., Kataktalware, M.A., Saravanan, B.C., Pourouchottamane, R., Bandopadyaya, S., Krishnan, G. and Sarkar, M. (2009). Paternally inherited species specific ssp 1-pcr-rf1p assay for hybridization analysis in yak-cattle hybrid populations. Ind. Vet. J. 86:635-637. |
Ramesha, K.P., Gowda, Shivraj, A. Obi Reddy and Rao, M.R.S. (2009). Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Alpha-Lactalbumin gene in Murrah and South Kanara Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Ind. Vet. J. 86:1007-1009. |
Ramesha, K.P., Pradhan, V.K., Kataktalware, M.A., Rajkhowa, J., Bora, M., Krishnan,G., Kumar, N., Saravanan, B.C., Biswas, T.K. and Bhattacharya, M.2009. Effect of pack at high altitude army posts on yaks (Poephagus grunniens). Indian J. Anim. Sci.79 (5):31-32. |
Ramesha, K.P., Pradhan, V.K., Kataktalware, M.A., Rajkhowa, J., Bora, M., Krishnan, G., Nirbhay Kumar, Saravanan, B.C., Biswas, T.K. and Bhattacharya, M. (2009). Effect of pack at high altitude army posts on yaks (Poephagus grunniens). Ind. J. Anim. Sci. 79:487-488. |
S. Jayakumar., Ramesha, K.P., Biswas, T.K., Das, S., Krishnan, G. and Bhattacharya, M. (2009). ?PCR-RFLP of DGATI gene in yak and other related bovines? at National Research Centre on Yak (ICAR), Dirang, India during 20-22 April, 2009. |
Saikia, P.K., Saikia, B.N., Ghosh, M.K., Baruah, K.K., Chakravarty, P. and Bhattacharya, M. (2009). Effect of different levels of dietary protein on Haemato-Biochemical parameters of yak. Ind. Vet. J. 86:387-388. |
Saravanan, B.C., Pourouchottamane, R., Kataktalware, M.A., Sarkar, M. and Ramesha, K.P. (2009). Common ectoparasites infesting yaks. Ind. Vet. J.86: 860-861. |
Sarkar, M., Dutta Borah, B.K. and Prakash, B.S. (2009). Strategies to optimize reproduction efficiency by regulation of ovarian function in yak (Poephagus grunniens.L) Animal Reproduction Science 113:205-211. |
Sarkar, M., Dutta Borah, B.K., Bandopadhyay, S., Meyer, H.H.D. and Prakash, B.S. (2009). Season of the year influences semen output and concentrations of testosterone in circulation of yaks (Poephagus grunniens.L) Animal Reproduction Science 115:300-305. |
Sarma, H., Baruah, K.K., Das G.C., Saikia, B.N., Phukan, B. and Chakravarty, P (2009). Effect of variations in protein intake on growth performance and nutrient utilization in Assam local buffalo calves. Ind. Vet. J. (Submitted). |
2008 |
Bandyopadhyay, S. and Varshney, J.P. 2008. Clinotherapeutic management of hepatititis associated with gallbladder sludge in a dog. IntasPolyvet. 9: 180-82. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Sasmal, D., Bora, M., Ghosh, M.K. and Sarkar, M. 2008. Antibacterial profile of Rubusidaeus (Raspberry): An in vitro study. Indian J. of Anim. Sci. 78 (11): 1247-1249. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Sasmal, D., Ghosh, M.K., Bora, M., and Bhattacharya, M. 2008. Antibacterial efficacy of neem (Azadirachtaindica) against Morexellabovis and Neisseria. Indian J. of Anim. Sci. 78 (10): 1105-07. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Sasmal, D., Ghosh, M.K., Borah, B.K.D., Bora, M. and Biswas, T.K.2008. Collibacillosis in new born yak calves and antibiogram profile of rectal flora isolated from the same. Indian J. of Anim. Sci. 78:1101-02. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Varshney, J.P., Ghosh, M.K. and Sarkar, M. 2008. Endocrinological and pathological profiles of mice fed lithogenic diet. Indian Veterinary Journal. 85: 710-11. |
Bandyopadhyay, S., Varshney, J.P., Hoque, M. and Ghosh, M.K. 2008. Clinical, serum biochemical and enzymatic features in dogs with cholecystic diseases. Indian Veterinary Journal. 85: 368-70. |
Bora, M., Ahmed, F.A., Bandyopadhyaya, S., Sarakar M., Mohan, P., Khanikor, H.N., Rajkhowa, C., Ghosh, M.K. and Bhattacharya, M. 2008. Pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin in Mithuns. Indian Veterinary Journal (85) : 1272 - 74. |
Buragohain, R., Ghosh, M. K., Pathak, P. K. and Bhattacharya, M. 2008. Growth and nutrient digestibility of yak fed with tree leaves and straw based diets. Indian Veterinary Journal. 85: 742-44. |
Buragohain, R., Ghosh, M.K., Basumatary, R. and Bhattacharya, M. 2008. Effects of feeding concentrate, tree leaves and straw based diet on growth and nutrient utilization in Yak (Poephagous grunniens L.) under semi-intensive rearing system. Indian J. Anim. Nutr., 25:54-57. |
Das, H.K., Medhi, A.K., Bandyopadhyay, S., Konwar, P. and Ghosh, M.K. 2008. Effect of different probiotics on the performance of broilers Indian Veterinary Journal. 85: 1287-89. |
Gadekar, Y.P., Anjaneyulu, A.S.R., Kandeepan, G., Mendiratta, S.K. and Kondaiah, N. 2008. Safe pickle with improved sensory traits. Effect of sodium ascorbate on quality of shelf stable pickled cooked chicken. Fleischwirtscaft International. 4: 56, 58-60. |
Kataktalware, M.A., Borah, B.K.D., Pourouchottamane, R., Saravanan , B.C., Sarkar, M and Ramesha, K.P. 2008. Morphometrical analysis of yak (Poephagus grunniens L.) spermatozoa. Indian Veterinary Journal 85(8): 891-92. |
Kataktalware, M.A., Pourouchottamane, R., Ramesha, K.P., Saravanan, B.C., Borah, B.K.D., Saikia, P., Sarkar, M., Deka, B.C. and Bhattacharya, M. 2008. Influence of age on semen characteristics of yak (Poephagus grunniens L.). Indian Veterinary Journal 85(5): 558-59. |
Konwar, P., Ghosh, M.K., Das, H.K, Bandyopadhyay, S. and Bhattacharya, M. (2008) Mineral profile of soils, fodders and in blood plasma of yaks of Arunachal Pradesh. Indian Veterinary Journal. 85: 1290-91. |
Krishnan, G., Sarkar, M., Kataktalware, M.A., Saravanan, B.C., Sanjeeth, B.S. and Ramesha, K.P. 2008. Envronmental Stress and itsamelioration in yaks. Livestock International. 12 (2): 4-5. |
Mahanta, R., Sarkar, M., Pourouchottamane, R., Kataktalware, M.A., Bandyopadhyay, S., Saravanan, B.C. and Ramesha, K.P. 2008. Estrus behaviour of yaks reared in semi intensive system of management. Indian Veterinary Journal. 85(6):666. |
Mahanta, R., Sarkar, M., Pourouchottamane, R., Kataktalware, M.A., Bandyopadhyay, S., Saravanan, B.C. and Ramesha, K.P. 2008. Reproductive traits of yaks reared in semi range system of management. Indian Veterinary Journal. 85(7): 781-82. |
Ramesha, K.P., Kataktalware, M.A., Das, S., Pourouchottamane, R., Bandyopadhyay, S., Saravanan, B.C., Krishnan, G. and Bhattacharya, M. 2008. Performance and body measurements of yaks and their hybrids under field condition. Ind. J. Anim. Sci. 78(9):1032-33. |
Saravanan, B.C, Kataktalware, M.A., Pourouchottamane, R., Ramesha, K.P. and Sarkar, M. 2008. Traumatic myiasis in a yak (Poephagus grunniens L) reared under semi range system of management. Journal of Veterinary Parasitology 22(1): 81-82. |
Saravanan, B.C., Bandyopadhyay, S., Pourouchottamane, R., Kataktalware, M.A., Ramesha, K.P. and Bhattacharya, M. 2008. Incidence of ixodid ticks infesting on yak (Poephagus grunniens L.) and its hybrids in Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 78(2):159-60. |
Saravanan, B.C., Kataktalware, M.A., Pourouchottamane, R., Ramesha, K.P. and Sarkar, M. 2008. Traumatic myiasis in a yak (Poephagus grunniens L). Journal of Veterinary Parasitology, 22(1):81-82. |
Sasmal, D., Bandyopadhyay, S. and Ghosh, M. K. (2008). Antibiotic susceptibility of bacterial flora of yaks (Poephagus grunniens L.). Indian J. Anim. Sci. 78(8): 830-31. |
Sasmal, D., Bandyopadhyay, S., Ghosh, M. K., Konwar, P., Borah, B.K.D., Biswas, T.K. and Sarkar, M. 2008. Bacterial flora of yaks (Poephagus grunniens). Indian J. of Anim. Sci. 78 (10): 1103-04. |