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Welcome to ICAR-NRC on Yak


ICAR-National Research Centre on Yak (ICAR-NRC on Yak) is a premier research institute proactively engaged in research and development of yak (Peophagus grunniens L.) and is the sole authority on research strategy formulation for sustainable development of yak husbandry in the country.
The institute was established in 1989 at Dirang (1500 m above msl) in West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh under the aegis of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The experimental yak farm of ICAR-NRC on Yak was set up in 1995 at Nyukmadung (2750 m above msl) which is located about 31 km from Dirang township at a diversion of Tezpur-Tawang highway.




Sitting in the lap of nature amidst the picturesque lush green mountains in the 'land of rising sun' - Arunachal Pradesh is the ICAR-National Research Centre on Yak (NRC on Yak). ICAR-NRC on Yak is a unique research institute in the country working towards research and development of Yak (Peophagus grunniens L.) which is one of the most resilient creatures on earth. The institute has been mandated to identify, conserve, characterize and evaluate yak germplasm and improvement of yak for draught and milk purposes.




"NOTIFICATION for recruitment of YP-I&II and Retired Govt. Servant"
"NOTIFICATION for recruitment of YP-II under E-I and PEASEM Project at NRC on Yak"
"Notification of interview through hybrid mode (online as well as offline) for PA-I and YP-I"
"walk-in-interview for short course training"
"Notification of interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for Project Associate -I"
"Interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for Research Associate -III"
"interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for YP-I"
"interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for Research Associate -III"
"Notification of Interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for YP-II"
"Public Interest Disclosure & Protection of Informer Resolution,2004 (PIDPI) "
"Engagement of Retired Government Officers on contractual basis as Consultant at the level of Finance & Accounts Officer"
"Notification of Interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for Field Workar, Project associate & YP-I/II"
"Notice-Blacklisted/ Debarred"
"Notification of Interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for YP-II"
"Interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for YP-II"
"Cancellation Notification of YP-II(PEASM Project)"
"Notification on Dates of interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for YP-I(Human Dispensary) and YP-II (establishment-I)
Circular of Harghartiranga
"Notification of interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for YP-I and II
"Notification of walk-in-interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for YP-I and II
"Walk-in-interview through hybrid mode"(online as well as offline) for YP-I and II
"Notification of walk-in-interview through hybrid mode" for YP-I and II
Walk-in-interview" for YP-I and II
A National level Hackathon
on Precision and Economical Animal Farming



News Updates

"Trained Ladakhi Women yak farmers on preparation of Yak Based value added Products"
"ICAR-NRC on Yak celebrates 35th Foundation Day at Dirang, West Kameng"
"ICAR-NRC on Yak achieves another milestone in its journey by initiating formation of Yak Brokpas Society "
"ICAR-NRC on Yak participates at India International Trade Fair 2023 to showcase GI approved Arunachal Pradesh Yak Churpi"
"Supportive measures of ICAR-NRC on Yak, Dirang to the tribal livestock farmers of Ladakh"
"ICAR-NRC on Yak participates in the XVI Agricultural Science Congress & Agri Expo held at Kochi, Kerala from 10-13 Oct 2023"
"First ever yak milk product, Arunachal Pradesh Yak Churpi, gets GI tag"
"ICAR- National Research Centre on Yak conducts extension outreach activities for Yak Dokpas of Sikkim"
"Participation of ICAR-NRC on Yak at the 77th Independence Day Celebration held under the aegis of ADC Dirang"
"ICAR-NRC on Yak participates at Republic Day Celebration 2023 of Dirang Administration"
"34th Foundation Day Celebration of ICAR-NRC On Yak,Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh"
"ICAR-NRC on Yak participates at North East Krishi Kumbha 2023"
"Yak Fibre Based Fabric Making"
"Training cum awareness programme on bankable scheme for profitable yak farming"
"ICAR-NRC on Yak Celebrates Independence Day 2022"
"Awareness programme on technologies developed by ICAR-NRC on Yak held at Thembang on 19 th March 2022"
"An Awareness programme on technologies developed by ICAR-NRC on Yak-Cum- distribution of inputs for tribal farmers conducted at Nyukmaduang village,West Kameng on 17 th March 2022"
"One day workshop on Commercialization of Yak Based Products organized by ICAR-NRC on Yak in collaboration with ICAR-NINFET"
"ICAR NRC on Yak Celebrates Annual Yak Mela 2021"
"One day workshop on Scope of Entrepreneurship Development in Yak Based Products organized by ICAR-NINFET, Kolkata in collaboration with ICAR-NRC on Yak"
ICAR-NRC on Yak in collaboration with KVK, West Kameng conducts "Farmers-scientist interface on Climate resilient varieties, technologies and practices"
Awareness programme on ticks and tick-borne diseases conducted by ICAR-NRC on Yak
Hindi Divas Celebration 2021 by ICAR-NRC on Yak
ICAR-NRC on Yak celebrates Independence Day 2021
Celebration of 93rd Foundation day of ICAR by ICAR-NRC on Yak
Yak Husbandry gets a boost
Celebration of World Zoonoses Day by ICAR-NRC on Yak near Indo-Bhutan border
ICAR-NRC on Yak organizes Awareness programme for farmers on balanced use of fertilizers
World Environment Day at celebration 2021 ICAR-NRCY
ICAR- National Research Centre on Yak celebrates World Veterinary Day 2021
Training cum supportive measures of ICAR-NRC on Yak to tribal farmers
ICAR-National Research Centre on Yak celebrated International Women’s Day’2021 with live telecasting address of the Hon’ble Ministers of State
National Science Day Celebration 2021
Celebration of 32nd Foundation Day Celebration at ICAR-NRC on Yak, Dirang



Latest Tender

New 06.12.2024 Portland - Pozzolana Cement (Fly Ash Based) for Bulk Buying as per IS 1489 (Part 1) (Q2) bid no GEM/2024/B/5668653
New 06.12.2024 Galvanized Steel Sheets (Plain and Corrugated) (V2) as per IS 277 (Q2) bid no. GEM/2024/B/5668908
New 05.12.2024 Hiring of Consultants - Milestone/Deliverable Based - Patent Filing Including Response to First Examination Report and Hearing Attendance and Submission; Patent Filing Including Response to First Examination Report and Hearing Attendance and Submissi. bid no GEM/2024/B/5665762
New 05.12.2024 Hiring of Consultants - Milestone/Deliverable Based - Trade Mark Filing and Registration; Trade Mark Filing and Registration; No; Hybrid(As specified in scope of work) bid no. GEM/2024/B/5665946
New 17.09.2024 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Bid no. GEM/2024/B/5407743
New 28.08.2024 Monthly Basis Cab & Taxi Hiring Services - MUV; 1500 km X 280 hours and beyound that it will be counted per km basis; Local Bid no. GEM/2024/B/5334870
07.12.2023 Public Auction Notice
20.09.2023 Custom Bid for Services - Generation of Whole Genome Sequencing and full length Transcriptome of Yak Genome with Comprehensive Bioinformatics Analysis no. GEM/2023/B/3986821
19.09.2023 Cattle feed mill plant Bid no. GEM/2023/B/3952515
Tender notice of Kiwi fruit crop_ICAR-CITH,Regional Station, dirang
Public Auction Notice
Public Auction Notice
24.01.2022 Complete Feed Block Machine - Bid No. GEM/2022/B/1889515
24.01.2022 e-Corrigendum for cancellation of e-Tender
15.07.2021 e-Tender Notice No. NRCY-7(21)/2020/Store/ARC (Vol-XIV)/587
15.07.2021 e-Tender Document No. NRCY-7(21)/2020/Store/ARC/Feed & Fodder/588
15.07.2021 e-Tender Document No. NRCY-7(21)/2020/Store/ARC/Lab. Consumable/589
29.01.2021 Public Auction
05.01.2021 e-Tender Document No. NRCY-7(67)/2020/Store/IT/Main (Vol-I)/1430
05.01.2021 e-Tender Notice No: NRCY-7(67)/2020/Store/IT/Main (Vol-I)/1429



App: Yak- The ship of the high altitude

About ICAR-National Research Centre on Yak


ICAR-National Research Centre on Yak is a premier research organization exclusively engaged in research and development of yak (Poephagus grunniens L.) in India. The institute was established in 1989 by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research at Dirang, West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh.




Annual Report
Vision 2050

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DIRANG - 790101

Fax: +91-3780-242273
E-mail: director[dot]nrcy[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Website: http://nrcy[dot]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
EPABX: 242259 & 242387



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